Arlington, Texas (TX)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Must Sees, Performance Pics and Polls

I have added a couple of new features on this site - they are in the left column.

"performance pics" is a video of a performance I personally enjoyed.

"must sees" are any tibidts of new information I have come across and found musically inspiring in some way.

Also, don't forget to vote in the monthly polls. Feel free to leave any comments on any of the new additions.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


In response to last month's poll, I decided to jot down a few helpful hints for the most voted answer to the question. **Remember to check the left hand column for updated polls, vote and check back for my comments.

Feb. '08 Question: What would you most like to change in your voice?

Most Submitted Answer: To have a better sound (quality)

1. Remember that your voice is exactly that: YOURS. You should never want to have someone else's voice, because there is definitely something special about your own. Try to stay away from imitating other voices and find the unique quality in your own.

2. Trust your instincts. If you think you sound better in a certain range or style, try to go with it. If what you are singing, or the way you are singing is just not working for you (even if you personally enjoy that method style), try something that feels more comfortable. We all usually have a better quality when we sing comfortably.

3. Don't shut up! Many of the most beautiful sounds are created by an open mouth (oral cavity). Don't ever be afraid to open your mouth more, drop your jaw, raise your soft palate and pronounce your words. Open as much as possible without pain or manipulation of the understading of your lyrics.

4. Practice Breathing. Many quality problems come about from poor breathing or breath control. If you are really struggling with making it through phrases or long notes, most likely your quality is not at its peak either. When in doubt, try out a few different vocal coaches - ask specifically for help with breathing technique, and go with the one that seems to help you the most.


a guide to technique, advice on performance and answers to your vocal questions by a professional and practicing vocal coach: rachel leite